Bar Refaeli Sizzles in Passionata Lingerie's 2011 Collection Photos

Bar Refaeli’s latest Passionata lingerie photos for the lines’ Spring/Summer 2011 have been revealed. What can one say about the possible future Mrs. Leonardo DiCaprio except for "Bar Refaeli Pictureswow!" Bar is one amazingly beautiful and flawless person, at least physically.
Refaeli’s actual life has been wrought with controversy, and several companies she’s modeled for have faced possible boycott, because she tried to avoid military service and had even once registered as a non-resident of Israel, in an attempt to pay lower taxes.
This time, though, there’s only good buzz about Bar. The longtime face of Passionata has done it again in this photo shoot.
Refaeli’s lovely curves are sure to sell many articles for the company. There’s just something down-to-earth but unbelievably sexy about the Israeli supermodel.
Bar Refaeli may only be 25, but she is currently dating one of the hottest A-list stars. In fact, Bar and Leonardo have been together on-and-off since 2005.

Photo Source: Hollywood Tuna
